
The pages on the PARPART-WEBSITE are written in German, the most files are in German, too - some files in English ore other languages. For it there are some reasons:

But I know, German language is difficult, so the correspondence may be in German, English or (simple-)French.

Hereinafter You will find some sentences about the history of this pages and some explanations of (difficult) terms:

Background: At first I reserved in September 1998 the URL 'parpart.de' to donate my kids a fine email-account (for example: britta@parpart.de) and hold only a "half page" for my own. The message "still under construction" always says: I haven't enough time...Soon I got some mails from parpart-peoples with the meaning, the URL 'http://www.parpart.de' will be the best place to store and change parpart-information.
Because my (3) kids me often asks about parpart-history, origin and stories (and my answer was "scantily"), I start for many years to collect parpart-information - so I had many stuff and some knowlegde.
But I haven't more time (my professionell work is hard - my interestings multifarious, my home still under construction), perhaps I like be a little crazy - and so my son searching at college for new parpart-information and me self at home and spend some lonesome nights to search, sort, translate and form all the information for the website.
Then I believed, my work to build a global and virtual "Parpart-Place" was done and uploaded the pages and files, to force the communications between parpart-people - I'm only an assistant at the birth.

In the meantime I got many questions (..know You...can You...) and so I perennially improved the pages and the hit-counter is hard-working (the counter on my frontpage counts only the hits there). But it is very important, that all guests change information and this means: look, show and give information about "Parpart".

(some) Explanations (should be print out):

Ahnen = ancestors
Ahnentafel = pedigree
Anregung = encouragement, idea
Auszug = excerpt, extract
Datenbank = database
Datei = file
Einwanderer = immigrant
Familienchronik = family chronicle
familiären Zusammenhänge = family relations, family ties
fehlen, fehlt = missing
Freigabe = release
Geschwister = brothers and sisters
Großvater = grandfather
Hinweis = tip, clue
Kartenauschnitt = map sector
Komprimierte Darstellung = compressed information (here: all names and places of 'Parparts' in the database)
Kreis = comparable: county
Nummer = number
öffentlich = public
Ort, Orte = place, town, village
Paßwortschutz = protected by password
Personendaten = index of names
Personendatenschutz = personal security, data protection
Pommern = now Poland (many Parparts coming up from Pommern)
Quellen = roots, source
Regierungsbezirk = comparable 'Kreis', but contains several "Kreise"
Rückmeldung = feedback
Sammlung = incomplete collection
Telefonbücher = German White Pages
Übersicht = (overall) view
unvollständige Informationen = incomplete information
Verbreitung = universality, existence
verschiedene = miscellaneous, various
Verwechslung = confusion, here: case of mistaken identity

